One of Australia’s most elegant birds, the snowy-white Eastern Great Egret is often seen wading in a range of wetlands, from lakes, rivers and swamps to estuaries, saltmarsh and intertidal mudflats....
The Australian White Ibis is identified by its almost entirely white body plumage and black head and neck. The head is featherless and its black bill is long and down-curved....
When viewed in poor light, the Glossy Ibis appears anything but glossy. Its dark-brown plumage may appear blackish when seen from a distance, and the overall impression is one of a brad bird.....
The Willie Wagtail is one of Australia's most widespread species, at least on the mainland. Reflecting this, it features prominently in Indigenous mythology....
Australasian Bitterns specialize in living in dense beds of reeds and rushes, where they are surprisingly difficult to see, as they are particularly well camouflaged....
Once considered a race of the Greater Painted Snipe which occurs in Africa and Asia, the Australian Painted Snipe is now considered a full species in its own right after recent studies of its morphology and DNA....